Pastry Pastry

Wild Tart


Group Weight / Volume Product
Biscotto 1.000 g ingredients for the base
Butter 99% (room temperature) 500 g ingredients for the base
Granulated sugar 50 g ingredients for the base
Cheese Cream Phill 500 g ingredients for the cream
Milk (full-fat) 700 g ingredients for the cream
Eggs 220 g ingredients for the cream
Strained yogurt (10% fat) 550 – 600 g ingredients for the cream
Fruitful Pineapple or Dark Cherry 400 g extra ingredients


Mix the crumbed biscuit, the butter and the sugar until the dough becomes homogeneous. 

Line a layer of biscuit base in a preferred form. Cover the base and the walls of the form with a 2-3mm thick biscuit base (around 450-500 g).

Mix the Cheese Cream Phill with the milk and the eggs for 3 minutes at high speed. 

Add the yogurt and continue mixing for 2 minutes at high speed.

Apply a cream layer 3-4mm thick (around 350 g).

Bake at 165 – 170°C for 35 – 40 minutes.
Once it has cooled down, cover with Fruitful of your choice.

Wild Tart